Posted by: Doug K
« on: August 05, 2021, 08:05:37 am » There's been quite a bit of complaining done by this group lately, and it all amounts to "sour grapes", or that old adage... "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR".
Ms Agte, her Facebook group, and the two towns she mentioned, Pittsford & Brighton, didn't "stop" anything, they only delayed the inevitable dam clearing.
Because public safety will always win out in the end.
Those two towns (following Ms. A's lead) merely filed an Article 78 to REQUEST that the NYS Canal Corporation perform a more thorough SEQR Review of their Embankment Clearing Process.
It's a way that "citizen-groups" can insure that proper vetting is done with an eye towards the Environmental side of State REQUIRED work. You can read more about the Article 78 process below, from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.
So here we are, once again the LEADER of this Facebook group is now saying that "she doesn't like" what that new SEQR Environmental Review has stated... and wants her Town & Village to fight back...but they WON'T. And now she's even more upset because of their presumed "indifference" to her "grass-roots" effort.
While Ms Agte will NOT accept the facts or science about earthen dam safety, the Town & Village she lives in have done just that. Those local government leaders in Perinton & Fairport won't protest against the Canal Embankment work because they see that this clearing is necessary to insure the SAFETY of the residents, the community, and insure the Erie Canal has a "long future" in New York State.
You see those local leaders, and the NYS Canal Corporation have a RESPONSIBILITY to the public they serve, to keep them SAFE, and to insure NYS communities are also kept safe... something Ms. Agte doesn't seem to understand or even care about.
Ms. Agte and her Facebook group still DENY there are ANY SAFETY ISSUES with overgrown, uninspected, 100 year old earthen dams...despite the simple fact that the SEQR Study they ASKED FOR, has shown just that.
So it truly is just a group of "whiners" who are unhappy with the truth, that they can't get what they "want" because it's NOT what's right for the community around them.
Go read her latest rant again... NOT ONE MENTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY.
Once again the Stop the Canal Clear-cut group leadership is "misrepresenting" what was stated in the requested SEQR Environmental Impact Statement.
There is absolutely no plan or discussion to "clear the canal or fill it in with dirt" as Ms Agte has stated, along with other members of this group.
Here's what was stated in the latest EEIP SEQR Statement, and shows why the State of NY has to FIX the Erie Canal Embankment, and can't abandon it, as this group is stating. This outlines two alternatives that were REJECTED by the NYS Canal group, and also show that the NYS Law and Constitution prevent what Ms. Agte is suggesting was a choice.
And here's the reasons why they didn't chose to the "drain & permanently abandon" the Canal System
No where does it say, in the ENTIRE SEQR Environmental Statement, that the Canal would be "filled in", once again it's Ms. Agte adding her "spin" on all of this environmental study work. And sadly, she still is choosing to IGNORE THE SAFETY OF HER COMMUNITY and asking all her Facebook Members to do the same.
Think for one moment about filling in the canal, besides the monumental cost of fill dirt, labor to slope it, the sheer fact that so many local farmers who NEED that Erie water to grow food for all of us in NYS would negate any thought of that idea. It's all made up to "rally the troups" as Ms Agte says.
Just because this Facebook group thinks it's best to ignore the best interest of the public at large, in direct opposition to the facts, and to the SEQR Study that HER GROUP asked for in the first place, should NOT be a reason that others line up to agree, think about what's at stake here...possible loss of human life.
Once again... Be CAREFUL what you ask just may be the TRUTH that you didn't want to hear.
Sorry the Article 78 idea backfired, sorry the public decided to ignore public safety in favor of the opinions of a couple angry canal trail walkers. But mostly I'm sorry for the folks who keep perpetuating their "myth" that "nothing is wrong with the Erie Canal" in this Facebook group.
This new SEQR Statement and Embankment Integrity Program Guidebook show how very wrong they have been.
Ms Agte, her Facebook group, and the two towns she mentioned, Pittsford & Brighton, didn't "stop" anything, they only delayed the inevitable dam clearing.
Because public safety will always win out in the end.
Those two towns (following Ms. A's lead) merely filed an Article 78 to REQUEST that the NYS Canal Corporation perform a more thorough SEQR Review of their Embankment Clearing Process.
It's a way that "citizen-groups" can insure that proper vetting is done with an eye towards the Environmental side of State REQUIRED work. You can read more about the Article 78 process below, from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.
So here we are, once again the LEADER of this Facebook group is now saying that "she doesn't like" what that new SEQR Environmental Review has stated... and wants her Town & Village to fight back...but they WON'T. And now she's even more upset because of their presumed "indifference" to her "grass-roots" effort.
While Ms Agte will NOT accept the facts or science about earthen dam safety, the Town & Village she lives in have done just that. Those local government leaders in Perinton & Fairport won't protest against the Canal Embankment work because they see that this clearing is necessary to insure the SAFETY of the residents, the community, and insure the Erie Canal has a "long future" in New York State.
You see those local leaders, and the NYS Canal Corporation have a RESPONSIBILITY to the public they serve, to keep them SAFE, and to insure NYS communities are also kept safe... something Ms. Agte doesn't seem to understand or even care about.
Ms. Agte and her Facebook group still DENY there are ANY SAFETY ISSUES with overgrown, uninspected, 100 year old earthen dams...despite the simple fact that the SEQR Study they ASKED FOR, has shown just that.
So it truly is just a group of "whiners" who are unhappy with the truth, that they can't get what they "want" because it's NOT what's right for the community around them.
Go read her latest rant again... NOT ONE MENTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY.
Once again the Stop the Canal Clear-cut group leadership is "misrepresenting" what was stated in the requested SEQR Environmental Impact Statement.
There is absolutely no plan or discussion to "clear the canal or fill it in with dirt" as Ms Agte has stated, along with other members of this group.
Here's what was stated in the latest EEIP SEQR Statement, and shows why the State of NY has to FIX the Erie Canal Embankment, and can't abandon it, as this group is stating. This outlines two alternatives that were REJECTED by the NYS Canal group, and also show that the NYS Law and Constitution prevent what Ms. Agte is suggesting was a choice.
And here's the reasons why they didn't chose to the "drain & permanently abandon" the Canal System
No where does it say, in the ENTIRE SEQR Environmental Statement, that the Canal would be "filled in", once again it's Ms. Agte adding her "spin" on all of this environmental study work. And sadly, she still is choosing to IGNORE THE SAFETY OF HER COMMUNITY and asking all her Facebook Members to do the same.
Think for one moment about filling in the canal, besides the monumental cost of fill dirt, labor to slope it, the sheer fact that so many local farmers who NEED that Erie water to grow food for all of us in NYS would negate any thought of that idea. It's all made up to "rally the troups" as Ms Agte says.
Just because this Facebook group thinks it's best to ignore the best interest of the public at large, in direct opposition to the facts, and to the SEQR Study that HER GROUP asked for in the first place, should NOT be a reason that others line up to agree, think about what's at stake here...possible loss of human life.
Once again... Be CAREFUL what you ask just may be the TRUTH that you didn't want to hear.
Sorry the Article 78 idea backfired, sorry the public decided to ignore public safety in favor of the opinions of a couple angry canal trail walkers. But mostly I'm sorry for the folks who keep perpetuating their "myth" that "nothing is wrong with the Erie Canal" in this Facebook group.
This new SEQR Statement and Embankment Integrity Program Guidebook show how very wrong they have been.