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Posted by: Doug K
« on: December 01, 2021, 01:15:02 pm »

I have to show that WHOLE conversation that prompted Mike Caswell to post, because he only showed the last few comments being made by this Facebook group about the same topic...

That topic is the new Canal Corporation Embankment Integrity Page -

You know, that website that shows the TRUTH about Erie Canal Embankment Safety

Quite different from this Facebook Groups page, that simply DENIES any Canal Embankment safety issues exist


Here's most of the conversation, regarding a letter that several STCC members received from Senator Lunsford, who has now admonished the Facebook group to go to the website that they asked get the truth about Canal Embankment Safety

Everything from denial to deflection to attempts at discrediting the messenger. And some old fashioned conspiracy theory thrown in about power lines, just for good measure.

First... lets get to the group's Co-Founder, Ms. Maier...who still doesn't want to accept that the groups' "Levee Expert" isn't really qualified to add any value to the conversation. You see for her the REAL issue is that EEIP website page that has "Frequently Asked Questions" on it.. because it spells out why her expert, isn't really one for THIS PROBLEM.

FAQ - Q: How are embankment dams different from levees?

ANSWER: Levees typically are meant to protect adjacent areas from flood events and, generally, do not retain water for long periods of time. They can be made from earthen embankments. Embankment dams, like those found along New York’s Canal System, retain water for half the year or longer and have a low-level outlet which means that water levels can be controlled. To see where earthen embankment dams are located along New York’s canals, you can view maps on the Program & Maps page.

Obviously Ms. Maier can read... but acceptance is a whole other matter, isn't it?

Moving on... Mr. Gallagher, who has been silent for awhile, since the Canal Corporation released that new website for Canal Integrity. He's a bit skeptical still, and doesn't like the "maps" that show seeps. In fact he doesn't accept anything the new website has to offer, mainly because it's still about canal safety, not canal scenery.

Of course not, because those new websites and maps point out that the CANAL SAFETY can't be left up to 'chance' and that 'Facebook Denial' didn't work to "make it go away".

Here's the Seepage Maps in question... so you all can see how badly these unsafe Canal Embankments are seeping water, and also that the OWNERS of the NYS Canal System have a greater ability to find and fix these leaks once they get the embankment cleared of invasive vegetation and restored with grass.

I guess the words need to be spoken... because sometimes the TRUTH is best handled that way.

You see this Facebook Group called the Stop the Canal Clear-cut, who has been fighting to "save the trees" for these past 4 years, instead of saying "save the dams", has only done one thing wrong  at the end of the day.

It was the group's simple belief that the NYS Canal Corporation & New York Power Authority would listen to a Group of Canal Trail users about how to "fix" a MAJOR canal safety problem and NOT those who actually might be living below those unsafe earthen embankment dams...and also those who are considered 'experts' in Earthen Dam Safety.

That would be Federal agencies like FEMA and NYS DEC, and experts like the ASDSO, Dam Safety is in their name. And that also means listening to the scores of NY Canal Communities and the thousands of Erie Canal Neighbors, who could be flooded and devastated, if the Canal Integrity issues were ignored and left to their own demise.

Hopefully that Facebook Group is starting to see their mistake.


Finally, the ECNA applauds Mr. Calia... who asked for 'proof' of what this FB group is posting.

Mr. Calia, who is one of the few who seems to awakening from their "STCC Slumber", and starting to realize that the tactic of "safety denial"  isn't going to work in the face of a new Canal Integrity website that rejects and corrects EVERYTHING this Facebook group has been saying for the past 4 years.

It appears that Mr. Calia, is starting to move to the third "Acceptance" or the "Exploration Phase" of the Change Cycle. He appears to be getting past the first two:

Phase 1: Denial - In this stage individuals go through withdrawal and focus on the past. Refusal to accept supporting facts & truth that substantiate the need for change are focused on, as well as the development of conspiracies about the change itself.

Phase 2: Resistance - In this stage be prepared, it's filled with anger, blame, anxiety and depression. Frustration mounts as people understand that change is inevitable to promote sustainability, and ask why more wasn't done in the past. 

Phase 3: Exploration - In this stage there will be confusion, over-preparation, and a lack of focus as people start to understand the change was necessary for the overall success of the program. Overcoming lingering denial & resistance may not be accomplished with some, who chose to leave rather than change.

Phase 4: Commitment - In this final phase of change people start working together with improved focus as many look ahead to the benefits that will occur as a result of the changes. The beneficial results of the change are starting to be seen and accepted as the "new normal".

Of course Mr. Calia's 'acceptance" of Canal Safety may also require an apology to Mr. Caswell, who is also Mr Calia's neighbor. And Mike C has been trying to tell his friend Mr. Calia that he had missed the safety message for the past 4 years... through this website. That was done with humor, and with facts, and perhaps it has worked.

And that message... the matter of "canal embankment safety" was really critical to the discussion about whether earthen embankment dams along the Erie Canal needed repair or not.

Mike Caswell chose not to ignore that critical bit of information, while Mr. Calia did. One neighborhood, two different viewpoints. One view is based in fact & truth, the other in what has been "denial & resistance".
Posted by: Michael Caswell
« on: December 01, 2021, 08:56:05 am »

It would appear one member has seen the light. Rumours abound within the STCC, so it's refreshing to see one person question the stupidity of some of the comments.

Yes folks, so why are they cutting down the trees, if it's not to 'install power lines' along the canal?

It wouldn't be as obvious as the dams are dangerous and have been declared High Hazard, class C, by numerous engineering organizations, would it?   

Nah!  Of course not.