Yes folks, this weekend is full of flurries! And like blinding snow flurries, they try to cover up the truth.
The STCC conspirators are at it again (on their Facebook page) - with their 'chief engineer' at the helm, new revelations abound! A flurry of activity from Eerie Agte and a few of her hench-folks.
Here's the first post by Ms Agte BBK (Bumbling Bee Keeper) :-)
From the beginning of 2017 CC/NYPA has maintained the importance of restoring the canal embankments to their original state when first created and completed. But these people, the original builders, by their own admission had no idea what they were doing. They had no previous references, or building codes, knew nothing about seepage and PHREATIC LINES, did not know about Toe Drains etc. They learned 'on the fly', but made many mistakes. The most obvious one was the pitch of the slope from 31f to Pittsford, where it is, in many places, less than 1:1
She goes on -
But I do not believe that the original designers and engineers of the raised earthen embankments ever considered building the canal to withstand the tonnage of todays equipment. They were building it for donkeys dude. If they could have anticipated the tonnage, they would have installed a metal infrastructure.Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but you have to be in awe of Eerie's Crystal Ball that peers into the past. At the time the canal was built, many of the more modern concepts, like ArmCor (corrugated armor sheeting) were not in use. And one has to wonder, what Ms Eerie's 'engineering skills' would have conjured up? It's easy to say "-installed a metal infrastructure", but what did she have in mind? Crickets? Do I hear crickets?
Our group is more than concerned about seeps that are advanced enough to require this kind of intervention in an area that was clear cut and experienced the stress of heavy equipment and root removal. We have been concerned since the start of this clear cutting that the earthen embankments could not withstand this level of heavy activity.Aha! Another lapse of memory from Lizzy! Does she forget the 2018 Rizzo Engineering Report which classified these dams as '
Class C, High Hazard, unable to inspect due to large trees and overgrowth' ?? she not realise what she just said?
The embankments could not withstand heavy activity. Obviously, from her own admission, there is something wrong with the design.
Does Liz not understand that the leaks were already there, and only discovered once the vegetation was removed? Which, of course, is the entire point of the exercise.
Her engineering prowess comes to the fore again, and now she knows all about loads and heavy equipment on dams.
And then, Maddening Maier pipes in -
It is also very clear from the engineering plans that canal hydrologists knew the embankments would lose water through seepage and had to manage the water inputs to mitigate for that. The idea that the embankments should be completely dry is absolutely ahistorical (lacking historical perspective or contex). And because the Canal Corporation did not thoroughly study the embankments before they cut down all of the trees and dug up (parts) of the root balls means we have no idea if seepage was made worse by this work.
Well, you got that right Maddy! You have no idea. Because you fog the issues and simply will not accept the truth. The Canal Corporation had had numerous studies done, YOU KNOW THAT -SO YOU'RE A 'DAM' LIAR! see