Author Topic: They blame the NYPA, but its THEIR FAULT!  (Read 78 times)

Michael Caswell

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They blame the NYPA, but its THEIR FAULT!
« on: May 25, 2022, 06:25:39 am »
Here's Janice Gouldthorpe spouting off again, and completely missing the point.

And Eerie Agte joins in with her 'seeps' theories. She's convinced seeps only happen at the bottom of an embankment toe.  Surely, a seep can happen anywhere on the side of a dam, not just at the bottom.

She's ignorant of the fact that the hydrostatic pressure is being relieved by the lack of water in the canal.

Now!  Why is the canal corporation so concerned? They are unable to carefully inspect much of the dam between Fairport and Pittsford, because of the dense undergrowth and damn trees. Reducing the hydrostatic pressure reduces the risk!

Who's fault is it? Well!  Guess what folks, that rests squarely on Lizzy Agte's shoulders. She's the one who stalled the inevitable upgrades of the dams. It's her and the STCC who caused this fiasco.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The EEIP will kick in this fall, and hopefully, next year we will see a SAFE cleaned up Erie Canal embankment devoid of trees and brush, with regular inspections and proper maintenance.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 07:38:39 am by Doug K »

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Re: They blame the NYPA, but its THEIR FAULT!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2022, 08:14:49 am »
Found this on the canal corporation webpage twitter feed:

NYS Canal Corp. ✔ @NYSCanalCorp

#Heads🆙 Next week, crews will be working along the #ErieCanal in the Town of Greece to repair a seep that was discovered along a section of earthen embankment. The trail will not be impacted by this work, and we expect it to be completed within two weeks.

The Canal system is made up of about 125 miles of earthen embankments, or areas where the Canal sits above surrounding areas.

To learn how we’re proposing to restore and maintain these embankments—and to see maps showing where other embankments are located—check out

Maybe this explains some of the lower water levels?