« on: June 16, 2022, 12:29:12 pm »
Sudden Concern?
For over four years the Canal Corporation was unable to carry out the recommendation of the inspection report from Rizzo Engineering, which stated the embankments were in a deplorable condition, and they were unable to inspect fully, due to dense undergrowth and large trees. There is no one else to blame other than Agte and her gang of crazies! The concern of the Canal Corporation and NYPA about public safety has never wavered, but now Elizabeth can't pretend it's not there.
In that time, there have been numerous tree blow downs and further deterioration. By lowering the water level, these DANGEROUS embankments have had the hydrostatic pressure relieved, so there is much less of a chance of a breach! And all these seeps sit entirely on the shoulders of Elizabeth Agte and her followers.
Of course she's skeptical, it's just one more way of spinning her warped mission ideas. Anything to attempt to make the Canal Corporation look bad eh?
Sorry! Won't work any more.
The trees have to go. All the real experts say so.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 05:55:01 am by Michael Caswell »