Author Topic: What were they up to?  (Read 87 times)

Michael Caswell

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What were they up to?
« on: February 08, 2022, 04:26:49 pm »
So, this group has now decided to watch and criticize almost every movement by canal workers.

it seems that if you are employed by the Canal Corp. you must be up to no good!

I can almost see these fools nodding their heads in agreement with Babs here!

« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 04:27:41 pm by Michael Caswell »

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Doug K

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Re: What were they up to?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 09:25:26 am »
So doesn't the NYS Canal Corporation have the "right of way" on their own property now? Aren't they allowed to peform routine Trail Inspection walks of their Perinton & Pittsford Earthen Embankments?

Who elected this social media group, and it's members, to be the "trail monitors" for NYS Empire Trail? Perhaps the group should take a look within, and examine what their real motive is here...

 If they "care" so much for the Erie Canal, as they all claim they do, why do they insist on a path of harrassment for the property owners?

They could chose to HELP instead of HARASS the NYS Canal Corporation, who is only trying to properly maintain their property for the safety of the public.

They could be engaging the owners of the NYS Canal System in a positive way, to advance public safety, and the sustainability of the Erie Canal, couldn't they?

Oh, that's right, most members of this Facebook group have already labeled them as "the enemy" and the group's Founders have called the NYS Canal Corporation leadership "liars & fear-mongers"...

All because the Canal Corporation and NYPA were honest enough to admit to their past mistakes, regarding their  Embankment Maintenance, and also tell the public they have an issue with the safety of their Canal System infrastructure.

And more importantly, those embankment issues need to be repaired, before a catastrophe happens, an embankment collapses somewhere, and a flood ensues.

What has happened to "common sense & decency" in the Towns of Pittsford & Perinton these days?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 04:03:03 pm by Doug K »

Michael Caswell

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He's troubled
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2022, 04:26:59 pm »

I can't imagine what CT Oakes finds 'interesting' about this.
Is he comparing a stream bank with the canal? That's a bit like comparing a porcupine to an elephant.

And how many times do we have to tell these people that the trees the CC are removing are on a DANGEROUS EARTHEN EMBANKMENT DAM. It's NOT a stream bank.

I guess we'll just have to let them live in their weird little fantasy world.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 04:27:43 pm by Michael Caswell »