From the STCC Facebook page
From Ms Agte (again)
Notes on the Canal Corporation/NYPA Zoom information session this morning… They will repeat it again this evening at 6:30.
First, you are not allowed to ask your question or make your comment, you must type it into the chat box, and Jackie reads your comment, and the panel responds to it. You have no idea how many people are in the meeting.
Second, they pulled the Macedon breach slide out of the presentation, maybe because their lack of appropriate action contradicted this slide.
Third, I asked a question about providing an artist rendering of exactly what the Perinton embankments would look like. They waffled a number of times last week, saying each embankment would be dealt with differently, and said there would be trees, then no trees, turf grass, pollinator plantings etc. Which is it? Their response was that they had some old drawings ( I think they are diagrams) of embankments… and then said what we really needed to see was Canal between Locks 2 and 3 in Waterford. They have keep the embankments there free of trees from the start, and people LOVE to use the embankment trails just the way they are! And if there wasn’t all this “controversy” here…we would learn to love our treeless shade-free embankments too. I am biting my tongue right now…
Forth, I told them that a substantial number of our members did not get notified about these meetings by email. And since many of them were at the meetings last week, where they collected our emails, we were puzzled. Especially since the entire point of these meetings in their minds was to flesh out Chapter Nine, which is about how can they better communicate with us?
Their response was that those emails were “value-added outreach” and that they were not really essential, because they had posted about these Zoom meetings on their website and on social media. AND that they had not finished transcribing all the emails and it was hard to read our writing, AND besides all those folks had already been to an information session anyway, AND they had sent emails to the elected officials so that they could post on their social media platforms. (At which point Bill Moehle made the comment that, nope, he did not get notification.) It follows their language last week, “we don’t really have to be here..” Just to mention I counted a total of about 150 citizens at the four meetings, and they have had ten days to transcribe those emails, in order to provide the communication they said they so want to provide us with.
I’m ready to go on a little rant, so I think I will go walk my dog.