Somehow a winter ice storm always manages to highlight the inherent issues with danger trees among us, and bring them front & center for all to see, in their icy beauty.
Especially any DANGER trees that may put the public at risk of harm or death on State Designated Park & Trail properties
It would be a safe bet that many sections of the Empire Canal Trail (ECT) may be blocked by bent or broken tree limbs with all the icing in Western NY.
And many trees limbs are being stressed to their limits, ready to snap and fall along a NY Trail, quite possibly on unsuspecting trail users.
These trees are not supposed to be growing along canal embankments, and it's sad that many people in our area simply turn a blind eye to the danger these trees pose.
Have to agree with NYS here, get the equipment on the Canal Towpath, let people see the danger, and work under the protection of the new Embankment Integrity Manual that clearly states WHEN & WHERE the Canal Corporation is allowed to remove trees...
That is ANYTIME the trees, or Canal conditions put that public in immediate danger, like today.
Ice Storm Cleanup is not proactive embankment clearing, it's reactive emergency maintenance.
Maybe in part it's due to NOT being as proactive as a tax supported, NYS Municiple agency that's managing the Erie System should be... isn't that the truth here?
Great picture Mike, public safety in action. Seems like the NYS Canal Trail System has become a tree-mendous danger to Fairport today.